Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is this Love...

That twinkle in his eyes . . . that slow killing smile . . . that gentle touch of his hands . . . and the dream world where she lands!!! That sudden whiff of air… his sweet affectionate stare… those sleepless nights… those unending sweet sights!!!


It all happened to Santy one fine day, in that freezing chilled month of January when something on this earth swept her off her feet! She did not what it was… she did not know who it was… she was taken aback by this sudden feeling… she was jolted by this uncanny emotion! What was it? Why was it? How was it? And most importantly who was it!


In her entire two years of college life, she never took Sahib seriously, did not even care an inch for him and hardly spoke to him. Most of her time in college, was either spent in chattering with her girl gang or hopping on to those various shopping outlets which she found hard to resist. If a new restaurant opened up, she made it a point to visit and taste each and every dish without fail. And she made it a point to tag her best friend, Divya, along with her every time she wished to do something new, something extra, something more than ordinary. A perfect girl-next-door for you who hardly had time to think about passion, emotions or even feelings! Yes, she had faith in friendship but never thought beyond that.

 Times flies real fast…Time doesn’t wait for anyone… she knew that college was a fun-loaded endeavor which was soon drawing to a close by the beginning of her third year. As usual, that day also she was busy listening to a new song, lazily and heftily sung by those rock crooners, she loved headbanging… her Ipod was an old one but she always managed to make it work somehow… Busy lending an ear to Aaron Lewis, she knew that Staind was recovering and maturing.

 Whoosh! He passed in front of her… That black T-shirt… she had seen it before also, many times but today why did this drab Kurt Cobain T-shirt ‘guy’ grab her precious attention…  She was bemused and started laughing to herself.

 “Why are you smiling like an insane?”, asked one of her girl pals. Santy simply hugged her and made her way inside for the first lecture. The day ended with her new-found-attention-object rushing right after the class. Next day again, she felt something inside when her eyes fell on him. Her regular outings became minimized and she used to remain lost half of the time…

 “Is everything alright with you? Don’t say Yes! You know I won’t believe you! So better speak the truth”, darted Divya. Santy smiled and gave a mischievous wink. And finally said, “Is this Love?”


                                                                                                                                   To be Continued…


The Solitary Writer said...

yup it is love.....those were the changes ......any way nice story gothilicious

SWATZ said...

:) thanks!!! :P

angel from heaven said...

Oh so cute n sweet wagerly waiting for the sequel...

SWATZ said...

Thanks angel.. :)))

Adisha said...

Very sweet. Could use some editing though ... but the thought flow was quite cutey :) Lets c what happens next ...

it's so funny how during college time , love strikes up in the unlikeliest of places...

SWATZ said...

Thanksss adisha!!!! :)

Unknown said...

good one ..good one (amir khan style)

mantiz said...

"is this love?" bet!
nice post.. here for the first time, and loved reading the entries..
keep writing pal :)

SWATZ said...

@Sorcy. . .hehehe. . .Thanks!! :)

@Mantiz. . . thank you mate!!! :D

Unknown said...

Good one, yaar!
Well, at times, one glance is all it takes (And it need not necessarily be the first!)
What will happen next?? Waiting...

SWATZ said...

heheeh.. right I agree... appreciate your comment sagar.. :)