Sunday, July 15, 2007


The luckiest girl on this earth with her rock star, I was feeling on top of the world. Never in my life had I been so ecstatic. The mere thought of chatting with him, speaking to him or even passing a smile at him gave me immense pleasure. I was floating gently on the seventh heaven... That night when I was supposed to finish off my class assignments, I was busy writing down my love pangs in my sweet diary. And this wasn’t the limit. I went totally nuts for every thought was attached to him.... every damn thought... be it reading a novel, chatting with my friend or even listening to Bryan Adam’s numbers... I searched frantically for some or the other excuse to squeeze my rock star’s name and then discus him at length.... My life had entered the phase of insanity for such a person who had no clue what the hell I was up to, just for the sake of him.

Everyday in the class I used to see him... Being an irregular student, he mostly remained absent from the classes and was hardly visible in the college after our coveted deal was signed. He had a tendency to miss a number of classes and was prone to fever, cold, cough and God knows what not. Besides this I slowly learned that he was lethargy personified. Immensely last to the core, getting up early in the morning for the class was an uphill task for him. In class instead of paying attention to the lectures that was delivered exceptionally well by my teachers, my mind was too occupied thinking about my rock star. The inner elements of my body from brain to heart to stomach to intestine to every blood vein had become extremely attached to him. In the wee beginning of our new-found friendship, I always hesitated to buzz him but would be the first one to dash off one of those silly love related sms forwards or probably just drop in a ‘hi’ or a ‘hello’ through text messages. For the first time in my entire life, I felt really thankful to the inventor of mobile phones. Hadn’t it been created there would have been no possible end to my lengthy woes. My cell phone always came to my rescue. Whenever I missed him (well not a single moment passed without pondering over him!!!) my hand would instantly move over that tiny communication device... I would hurriedly punch in the message and then send it without any delay. A prompt response from his side would lighten up my spirits but if the opposite occurred then all my night I would spend analyzing the various possibilities responsible for his non-responsive attitude. My heart was waiting impatiently for that perfect opportunity to strike a jovial conversation with him either on phone or face-to-face (this was hard to come by as he rarely turned up in college).

My rock star had two close friends in class with whom I tried my level best to cast a good impression. After all, the first step towards winning a guy’s heart was to befriend his close pals. To my great dismay, his friends also turned to be like him. Once in a blue moon they used to set foot in the class. Apparently, apart from his two close friends, my rock star had one more pal who was in the other college and was also his room mate.

Complete two months had passed after I shook hands with my rock star and not even once had I chatted with him except for those once in a while ten or fifteen minutes conversations when he used to buzz me to enquire about the class assignments or to clear some last- minute doubts which popped up at the dead of the night before a test. Most of the time, I tried to stretch the chats but he never showed any interest. Like an ordinary classmate, he always meant business...*sob*sob*

And then came the bigger blow... I did not see him for a whole of two months... I was puzzled, confused, concerned and baffled... what the hell has happened to him... His cell phone was constantly coming switched off... where on earth has he disappeared suddenly... My mind was brimming with innumerable questions... and no one could put an end to it.... even his friends had stopped coming to college... I started searching frantically for any damn source to dig about information about him but at the same time I was cautious enough to keep my affection for him completely bound in my heart’s compartment... No one was aware of my craziness and madness for him except for three of my close friends who made me realize this for the first time in my life.... I was so dumb that I myself did not understand what was happening to me initially... then struck the bell of both the heart and the mind... they noticed my behavior over a period of time when I was totally in his world... they told me that I had started developing feelings for him... Filled with deep gratitude for them, I thank them... they understood my real self very well.... and have kept it a close guarded secret... But my mind was hunting for the answer...the answer of my life...

And finally, I received the shock of my life... One fine day, in college I got to know that he had met with an accident a week ago... His dad arrived in Delhi and took him back home...

Goodness gracious... Accident... God!!! SAVE HIM... SAVE MY LOVE... SAVE MY LIFE...

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Long Locks, Enchanting Eyes, Velvety Voice and Saccharine Smile- Boy! O Boy!!!

My heart melted, my hands started quivering vigorously and I went weak in my legs when I first saw him. I still vividly remember that day, standing there like a dumb person on the college stairs mesmerized by his mere look. OH GOSH!!! Never in my life had I received such strong vibrations from anyone except for BRYAN ADAMS!!! He is the original and the invincible ROCKSTAR of my whole life. From childhood I crazily followed each of his songs and mugged up all the lyrics. Every night I kissed him good night..Oh! I mean the huge life-size poster on my cupboard!!! In reply 'BRYAN' always winked back at me(well, at least that's what the impression i got)...But this guy... He simply walked away in front of my very eyes without even giving a teeny-weeny attention to me. Had my friend not shaken me to reality, I would have stood there for hours and hours, till God knows what time!!! I was completely bowled over by him…

His style of walking with shoulders drooped and baggy jeans hanging loose, his style of keeping his curly long hair completely wet till the hair gel dried up and he had to reapply, his style of rolling his eyes 360 degrees whenever he heard something out of this world, his monstrous style of laughing loudly for no substantial reason till the other person got scared, his style of not giving a ‘F**K’ to what the other people thought of him, his style of living life on his own terms sometimes sensitively but most of the times carelessly …every bit of his persona extremely attracted me.

He had lot of airs, was quite evidently snobbish but not totally arrogant and immensely serious to the core. Well he had every reason to be like the way he was… after all not many get admission in the most prestigious college through the ECA quota trials. Thousands of aspirants apply for just 10 seats…only a few lucky talented people get selected and I can proudly say that he was one of them. NO, in fact he was THE BEST of all.

Initially, I was too shy to even face him let alone speak. The moment he entered the class, I used to go all jittery and jumpy…Even though I would pretend having a hearty conversation with my girl gang, the corner of my eyes always kept a constant vigil on him. I would follow him everywhere, every damn place on the earth… be it the college canteen, the classroom, the parking lot (barring the gents washroom!!!) Slowly I realized that it was too tiring observing him solely this way. As the days passed, my desperation to be his crony exceeded all sky-high limits. I wanted to be a part of his life; I wanted to be close to him always and most importantly I wanted him to give me full attention.

So finally as all my resistance level gave away and my heart couldn’t bear it any longer, I walked up to him like a debutant on the cricket field…all nervous, edgy and at the same time surveying every wee bit in the immediate surrounding. The last bench of the class, he sitting there humming a tune with a book and headphones plugged in his ears, me standing there staring at him mumbling under my breath… That’s all I remember. The next moment- smiles spread across both of our faces, the shaking of hands and the nodding of heads. The deal was struck. The friendship took off. The seeds of love were sown...

He was my FRIEND...
MY BRYAN ADAMS!!! and I was the luckiest girl on the earth!!!